Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Clean Your Body....

  • Cordelia's Top 3 tips to kick start your spring detox:
    Water – We hear it all the time, but it bears repeating. Your body is 2/3 water, and water is essential to all the processes in the body. To improve your mood, skin and metabolism try to drink at least 8 – 8 oz glasses of water a day.
    *Morning lemon drink – Starting each day off with warm lemon water stimulates your liver to detoxify your body - your skin will look better, you'll feel great, and you might even lose some weight! It is one of the easiest things you can do to increase your overall well-being. Just squeeze half a lemon into a glass, and fill with warm water.
    *Eat your greens – Leafy and green vegetables like kale, spinach, and broccoli are jam packed with vitamins and nutrients to help restore vitality, and have even been shown to be effective at protecting you from certain cancers. Kale is particularly good for the liver, as it is a bitter green, which stimulates the production of bile, increasing your digestive ability. *Get more greens into your diet by putting them in salads, juicing them, making green smoothies - banana and kale is a surprisingly tasty combination, or lightly steaming them. *To be holistic – “detox” your environment and lifestyle as well. Take more walks outside, spring clean your house with non-toxic cleaners, start a new hobby – all of these things will “detox” your mind and your body.Read more: "Spring Detox Do's and Don'ts: Gentle, effective and oh so good for you."

  • Spring Detox Grocery List

  • Spring Cleaning for Your Body
    Fit YogaMarch 2006A time characterized by birth, renewal, and energy, spring is possibly my favorite season. Seeing the way rain enlivens the world after months of dormancy is absolutely awe-inspiring. Days become longer and the sunshine warmer; birds begin to sing and buds prepare to blossom. In sync with spring’s revival, our bodies also shift into a higher gear, letting us experience a welcome surge of energy. Almost instinctively, we clean out our closets and throw open the windows to let in fresh air. But why limit spring cleaning to just our homes? Our bodies need it as well. Though we may not give it much thought, we often accumulate toxins in our bodies during the wintertime. Because we spend long hours indoors, we breathe less fresh air, we don’t exercise as much, and we’re generally not as active—after all, who wants to go jogging in a blizzard when the couch looks so cozy and inviting? But following months of shorter, darker days and heavier foods, the surging energy of spring brings cravings for freshness, cleansing, and rejuvenation. From March to May is the body’s natural time for cleansing and detoxification. A spring detox, in fact, revives your energy, brightens your complexion, and strengthens your immune system while helping you drop excess winter weight and eliminate toxins. As usual, Mother Nature provides exactly what we need. Asparagus and baby vegetables like carrots, beets, green beans, and new potatoes pour into the markets. Purifying herbs, such as parsley and basil, are once again fresh and local. Such lively, colorful produce is concentrated with nutrition and vitality—perfect for making potent detox juices and quick, cleansing broths. During the springtime, it’s also good to give your body a break by eating less. You may even wish to do a partial fast. Avoid heavy, rich foods that are hard to digest. Focus mainly on warm, light foods that counter the damp coolness of the spring season. Cook with spices like coriander, fennel, cumin, and turmeric to enhance digestion and brighten your skin. Instead of drinking coffee, warm up with cleansing teas, such as ginger or clove. Include lots of wholesome spring veggies in your diet and let them do what they do best: stimulate the kidneys, liver, and digestive tract to release long-stored toxins. Take spring cleaning to the hilt and let it rejuvenate your entire body.

NOTE: No member of AquaMoon, SpokenExistence, Inc/Foundation or UnSilenced Woman Press is a licensed physician, dietitian, nutritionist or doctor. We will not diagnose, prescribe or treat illness or disease of any kind. All information that we provide is for informational purposes only. You should consult your physician.

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