Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 2: The magic word is "GREEN"....

Visit our website for today’s food tip about Alkaline foods…Ph Balance.

So, how was day one? Any withdrawals or was it breezy?

Day 1 was cool for me. I started the day off with a green smoothie (green meal powder, banana, lecithin, coconut oil, flax oil and coconut water). Yummy, green stuff rocks. Sidenote: I was going to put a glass of green stuff as the image on the cover of my next book. Hi-larious. Last spring/summer when I was in the belly of writing the book, I was also doing a lot of cleansing so I was inundated with green. (NO, The Green Bible is not my lol lol.)

Green is also my favorite color. My grandmother can not understand why, which I cant understand why pink is her favorite color.

For a snack, I had a slice of cantaloupe and a handful of raspberries.

For lunch I had, steamed broccoli and string beans w/multi-colored bell peppers, a puff cake with agave nectar and hummus, and some hyssop tea.

For dinner I had, a spinach salad with strawberries, cashews and avocado. And some mint tea.

Oh yeah, to help break down my food I take vegan enzymes pills with my meals.

To help keep me committed to this process, one of my goals is to get up between 4 and 6am. I use this time to write, meditate, do yoga or belly dancing, or just to day dream. This helps me to stay focused.

Lastly, as you purge, consider doing a forgiveness list...Number a piece of paper 1-20 and write I forgive______________ completely and totally. Write the names of the people that come to mind. I know, some of us hold onto thangs...but a part of this spring cleaning is to let go of those things that got us all jammed up. Not only food got us jammed up, but past hurts, emotions, 'i aint good enuf' thoughts etc. Forgiveness aint about the other person(s), it's about you. Letting yourself free from the discomfort of what was done. Let it go, let it flow...And if you need to forgive yourself, forgive you as well.

I was hipped to this exercise in an online class I did with Daily Om and I do this exercise often. Funny thing happened the first time I did the exercise, I freaked myself out because I wrote God's name down. After I wrote it down I looked all around me like God was about to come get me and beat me lol. I mean, I was really scared and a lil ashamed. Some nerve, how I'm gonna be mad at God and need to forgive her? Yeah, that was a big deal for me to realize that I needed to forgive God, and forgiving her helped in my evolution and growth.

Have an easy Day 2,


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