Monday, March 2, 2009

Apartheid Week...South Africa and Israel

Apartheid in South AfricaScreening of “Have You Heard From Johannesburg”Tuesday, March 3rd @ 2pmLocation: 750 South Halsted Street Chicago, IL, Room 605 SCEDiscussion led by Professor Prexy Nesbitt
Prexy Nesbitt is an internationally known speaker on African issues, global education, US Foreign Policy and racism. The recipient of numerous awards and honors including: the Alston/Bannerman Fellowship Award, Antioch College’s Horace Mann Award for Service to Society and the King/Mandela Distinguished Service Award from the Washington Office on Africa, Mr. Nesbitt has delivered innumerable public speeches at various venues on three continents over the last thirty years.

Gentrification: From Chicago to JerusalemScreening of “Jerusalem: Eastside Story”Wednesday, March 4th @ 4pmLocation: 750 South Halsted Street Chicago, IL, Room 605 SCEDiscussion led by Professor David Stovall
David Stovall is an is an Assistant Professor of Policy Studies in the College of Education and the Department of African-Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). His scholarship investigates four areas 1) Critical Race Theory, 2) concepts of social justice in education, 3) the relationship between housing and education, and 4) the relationship between schools and community stakeholders. Since 2003 he has worked with community organizations and schools to develop curriculum that address issues of social justice.

The Movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS)How to Defeat Israeli ApartheidThursday, March 5th @ 1pm
Location: 750 South Halsted Street Chicago, IL, Room 613 SCEDiscussion led by Kevin Clark
Kevin Clark, member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), and long time activist discusses the growing global and national BDS movement aimed at ending Israeli apartheid in Palestine. He will share strategies and techniques in organizing and implementing a successful BDS campaign on college campuses, while also sharing his experiences during the BDS movement against the South African apartheid regime.

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