Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Adding a spritual detox to your 7-Day Journey...

For those of you that are doing the 7-Days of Healthier Eating...Spring Clean Your Body with us, here's a deeper level to take your cleansing-- if you choose...

What is a Spritual Detox? by Ron Northcutt

Some people have wanted to know more about "Spiritual Detox"... this is a movement of major energies that is usually associated with jumping to a higher vibratory level. Just like a Physical

Detox, it can be very mild or very powerful, and can manifest on many levels.

First of all, you need to remember that this is a good thing! Detox (or speedbump) is a signal that you are evolving and releasing old patterns. Your vibration is going higher. Rejoice! The challenge is to be able to see the rebirth within the death... because that is also what this is. Its a death of some part of your ego or small self. Its a death to the idea of "who you are" and your mask identity. Its a death to your old frequency and pattern.

Life is constant change, and change is death. Each moment, we die and are reborn... so this more palpable experience of death/rebirth should be no more troubling.

WARNING: Some of you with a very strong ego will continue to deny the detox... this is only going to prolong the discomfort. You MUST be vulnerable if you are to receive the Divine.
It is the emptiness of the cup which makes it useful.

You may also be tempted to externalize the problems and project them upon a certain event or person. This is an attempt to avoid the ego-death. Just remember - if you do not OWN your circumstance, then you do not have the power to affect change! The "blame game" is only going to weaken you.

  1. Accept the reality of the detox and accept the lessons its bringing you.

  2. Avoid denial or blame. Embrace your circumstance and allow yourself to feel.

  3. Drop the story - experience the energy/emotion/moment.

  4. Its ok if it feels bad - keep your head up and KNOW that it will pass (like any other storm).

  5. Drop the story

  6. Accept that you will probably have some "housecleaning" to do afterwards, storms often will remind us of work left to do or issues that need to be resolved.

  7. Drop the story.

You have asked for this - you have asked for Divine source to make you whole and evolve your spirit. You have asked to be more open and to have more abundance in your life. You have asked for this great change.

Accept that you need this experience in order to grow, and feel how much more powerful and peaceful you are becoming. Experience the new level of acceptance and awareness that you are feeling. Above all, feel the bliss and joy thats bubbling up even now.

This Divine source energy is whats transmuting your life and changing the very nature of your spirit... cleansing and purifying you... removing all of the negative blocks, pain and anchors holding you back.

You have asked for this clarity.

Remember your faith in the Divine - relax, release and float. Just like the peaceful, blue ocean, when we relax, we float.
NOTE: No member of AquaMoon, SpokenExistence, Inc/Foundation or UnSilenced Woman Press is a licensed physician, dietitian, nutritionist or doctor. We will not diagnose, prescribe or treat illness or disease of any kind. All information that we provide is for informational purposes only. You should consult your physician.

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